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Image by Hermes Rivera
Committed to Freedom, Driven by Integrity

Aryaa Associates Limited, London, mentioned as AAL London, recognises that modern slavery and human trafficking are a violation of fundamental human rights and are contrary to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act").Aryaa Associates Limited, London is fully committed to preventing unethical labour practices from occurring in any part of its business or supply chain.


This Policy applies to all AAL London,  employees as well as suppliers and joint venture partners, who must ensure that both their businesses and supply chains worldwide comply with this Policy. AAL London, will take steps to ensure that labour abuses, including modern slavery and human trafficking, are not taking place in its own business or within any of its supply chains. This will be achieved by ensuring that:·


 -Suppliers must comply and act in accordance with this Policy. Its Strategic and Preferred supplier base must be accredited to an Achilles third-party scheme. Modern Slavery compliance is covered in this.


 -All other Suppliers must have submitted a Pre-qualification document, which also covers the Act.·


 -All recruitment is carried out fairly and transparently and will comply with relevant legislation and standards.


 -The requirements and expectations of the supply chain about the Act will be communicated and included within contractual terms.· Suppliers will be expected to comply with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.


 -Aryaa Associates Limited, London, will take a partnership approach to work with its suppliers to combat the threat of modern slavery and human trafficking across its sectors and all the industries in which it operates.


 -Aryaa Associates Limited, London, will train appropriate staff to understand the risks and issues surrounding modern slavery and human trafficking and how to identify appropriate measures to prevent it.


Every AAL London,  employee is responsible for ensuring compliance with this Policy, including being alert to the risk of such unlawful practices. Any concerns may be reported to Aryaa Associates Limited, London Risk Management function. AAL London considers a breach of this Policy as a serious offence. Any violation of this Policy or the Act by an employee will result in disciplinary action, including dismissal in appropriate circumstances. In addition, Costain will notify the relevant authorities of an individual or a supplier's contravention of the Act.This Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it reflects current legislation and regulations.


Dated: 3rd June 2024

Rajeev Chakraborty (Managing Director)

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